
Voice is sharing thoughts and ideas in an environment underpinned by trust and respect, offering realistic suggestions for the good of the whole, and accepting responsibility for not only what is said but also what needs to be done.

Knox Gardens is committed to establishing a community and culture of voice in our whole school community and embedding this into all areas, with our students, staff and parents. Voice is voice and there is not one definition for students and one for parents and staff. We all have a voice and at Knox Gardens we encourage our students to share their voice and provide them with the language, skills and tools they need to effectively use their voice.

We teach our students that they control the volume of their voice and are the ones in charge of how they use their voice. This encourages students to set their own learning goals, accept responsibility for their actions and raises students overall social and emotional development.

At Knox Gardens we aim to inspire and develop globally aware students who are motivated, responsible and emotionally intelligent. We are committed to building a culture of achievement and success, where voice is encouraged and supported. Through voice our students are engaged and supported in their learning, they take individual and collective pride in their school and themselves.

Sharing thoughts and ideas in an environment underpinned by TRUST and RESPECT, offering realistic suggestions for the good of the whole, and accepting responsibility for not only what is said but also what needs to be done.